Monday, April 10, 2017

In His Arms

A friend of mine encouraged me to start blogging again.

Well ... Here I go ....

In His Arms
The past few months have not been easy.  I have been so wrapped up in my dads health.  Sad about the thought of loosing him.  One day I will, that's just the reality, but I am not ready.  What a relief to receive news yesterday that his cancer isn't as bad as they thought.  It is not in his bones and it is very treatable!  We aren't out of the woods but we are in a clearing and it is beautiful!

Even in the midst of my valley.  The darkness.  Uncertainty.  I was continually turning to God.  I had trouble 'feeling' Him.  Hearing.  Understanding.  But I knew that I needed to continue to turn to Him, lean on Him, talk to Him, and trust His plan what ever it may be.  It wasn't easy and there were days I was going through the motions.  But I felt it would be better to go through the motions rather than stop all together.

I am so glad I did!

Even though I felt like I wasn't hearing Him or understanding Him.  Now that I am in a clearing, I realize that I was hearing and understanding.  He is and was, in control, had it all figured out, and knew exactly where He wanted us to be and go.  I never lost sight of the fact that He wants us to plant a church.  I just didn't understand how that would work with my dad and cancer.  I see now that I was able to learn a lot and I know that these lessons will be applied later in my journey.  In many ways even.

Even in the valley I have learned to trust, lean, and walk with God.  Even if I feel like He's not there.  He IS there.  He literally was carrying me though!  There was one set of footprints.  And He was walking a straight path, while I was securely in His arms!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Hard Lessons ... AGAIN

The first two years of homeschooling with Jaxon where very hard.  First year, we are getting used to each other and how we work.  The second year I was working hard to adjust my {very structured} teaching/learning style into a more creative/active learning style for Jax. By the end of the year I was doing pretty well and we seemed to be in a groove!  

Then begins the third year.  Before school even started I found out I had Primary Hyperaldoseronism.  This began a journey of medications which made me feel ill and then meds that made me psychotic.  So, I fell back into {MY} ways of doing school.  {sad}

On December 9th I had surgery to remove the offending adrenal glad.  And after nearly two months of recovery and getting back on my feet.  I had to remember the hard learned lesson of year two.  Get creative again!  {Oyi}. I wish I could learn something once and get it and not have to relearn it again and again.  

So, today I began to embrace that creativity again.  I sent Jax on missions to find his assignments with clues.  Doing this turned an over an hour long lesson (in past experiences) into less then 30min to complete from start to finish!  And!  He did all of the reading and writing on his own!!!

It isn't easy for me - but it sure makes the day much better and Jax is happier! 


I am so thankful for the example of a patient, loving, and gentle Father to point me in the right direction parenting our kids! 


Friday, May 31, 2013

11 Years Well Lived!

*Marisa Haas Photography*
11 years ago, *June 1st*, I decided to commit the rest of my life with Jeremy Ketchum!  I can not believe it has been 11 years!  Time goes by entirely too fast!  It may have been 11 years, but I remember our wedding day as if it were yesterday! 

The first few years were our most difficult.  As happy as we were, our baggage was a heavy load!  I knew God had brought us together, and it was my belief in that which kept me moving forward with J. I am sure the feeling was mutual!  ;o) 

Today, I couldn’t be more happy with the man I married!  He isn’t the same person he was in 2002.  He has become more than I had ever dreamed of in a husband.  He has grown more patient, understanding, loving, and has shown me what a Christ-following man should be like; ever changing and being refined only as God can do. 

Thank you Jeremy for choosing me to spend the rest of your life with and leading us in  this adventure called life!!!  I love you!!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Focus on the kids ...

... this is my task at hand.  

Being a stay at home mom isn't easy.  I have been a working mom before as well, and I would say that was much easier than staying home with them.  However, this is what I wanted to do, and feel God has for me.  

The past couple of weeks have been particularly challenging with moving and all.  And there is so much to be done, unpack, clean, arrange ... rearrange, not to mention the regular day to day things with a family of 7.  Food, diaper changes, potty stops, laundry, etc.  

I have been very stressed trying to get it all done.  My husband has told me on numerous occasions to just focus on the kids, cause that's what is important.  It has been hard, because I want to have everything done.  

But today, I have changed my perspective.  I am going to focus on the kids.  As I have done this, I have found that everything else is falling into place.  Granted I don't have everything done, and some things are waiting.  But the stress level is less and the kids are happier.  

Friday, August 31, 2012

Squeaky 3

I know Jax isn't three yet but it's just around the corner.

A few weeks ago we noticed that Jax had a very squeaky & cracking voice. I thought it was so cute. This lasted until today. When I realized his voice sounds different!

I didn't know that my young man would go through a voice change at such a young age. I expect it from Josh at 12 years old but not a two year old Jaxon. ;-)

That's it. I thought I'd share! Thanks for reading!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

God's Will

I knew I'd be moving out of CA one day. I knew it wasn't going to be easy. I'd be leaving all that I ever knew, family and friends. And I'm a pretty socialable person. Relationships are important to me.

When God showed us it was time to move to Williams AZ I was excited and scared. Excited to be in His will but scared to start all over.

It sure hasn't been an easy move on any of us. However we all know that we are in the middle of His will and He has us where He wants us. We can not see the whole picture but we trust He can.

I am thankful for the seeds He has planted. The lessons we have learned so far have been priceless. I have learned how to be more dependent on God. To trust Him and His planning over my own. Things I don't think I could have learned while comfortably living in CA. Our kids have learned how to be stronger Christians. To stand up for what they believe in and not give up on that.

These 'seeds' will continue to be watered and I'm excited to see what they will grow into. And I know that they are necessities to a firm foundation.

I am so thankful God meets me where I am and accepts me right now. And even as painful as it can be, I am thankful that He loves me so much. So much in fact that He won't leave me where I am. He wants to grow me, challenge me, and draw me closer to Him.

God's will isn't always comfortable or easy but it is always a learning experience!


Butterfly Wings

Back in April I took Jaxon to a Story/Craft time at our local coffee shop.  It was one of his favorite books, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  He had so much fun!  He flew around in his wings for days after that!  

I also thought it would be a good submission for the 'Fly' contest through Epiphanie.  ;o)

My "fly" photo submission in the Epiphanie Camera Bags + My Four Hens photo contest!