Jaxon really loves to be in the middle of what ever is going on. He always wants to be with someone and helping them in some way.
He helps clean the mirrors, do laundry, dishes, and I think his favorite is helping cooking or baking.

Here, he wanted to help me so bad, but I was working a
t the stove and there really wasn't anything he could 'help' with. So, I gave him these items, and he had a great time.

Another day I was making some biscuits, and of course there were many ways he could assist me here! As you can see he was hard at work. He like tasting the dough as well. Not sure how it was, but he kept coming back for more! And don't fret, the dough he was making didn't make it into the batch. The piece of dough he was working with however, became a nice little biscuit which he enjoyed at dinner!
Thanks for taking the time to read!
Blessings to you!