So, we had our 21 week ultrasound today. I simply love to peek inside the womb and catch a glimpse of the new life!
She was such a mover and making it so difficult on the tech to look around. It was fun to watch!

Here is a picture of her profile. She looks so much liked Jaxon did at this time. The only difference I can see right now is her chin and bottom lip. Ooooo ... I can't wait to see her in the flesh!!! :D :D : D

Just before this picture we caught site of her 'flipping us off'. LOL Then she did the 'Peace' sign ... nice recovery!!! LOL
So, the doctor said that all looks great. She is very healthy. He is only slightly concerned with her kidney's. He said that they were slightly enlarged. This could be as simple as the the 'valve' that goes from the kidney's to the bladder may not be fully developed yet. So, her urine is getting a bit backed up. He wants to see me back at 28-30 weeks to check on them again. We are praying for shrunken kidneys. However, he says that he isn't overly concerned with it, because there is a lot of amniotic fluid, and this is a good sign. The good thing ... I get to see my baby again!!!
Thanks for reading!