The first two years of homeschooling with Jaxon where very hard. First year, we are getting used to each other and how we work. The second year I was working hard to adjust my {very structured} teaching/learning style into a more creative/active learning style for Jax. By the end of the year I was doing pretty well and we seemed to be in a groove!
Then begins the third year. Before school even started I found out I had Primary Hyperaldoseronism. This began a journey of medications which made me feel ill and then meds that made me psychotic. So, I fell back into {MY} ways of doing school. {sad}
On December 9th I had surgery to remove the offending adrenal glad. And after nearly two months of recovery and getting back on my feet. I had to remember the hard learned lesson of year two. Get creative again! {Oyi}. I wish I could learn something once and get it and not have to relearn it again and again.
So, today I began to embrace that creativity again. I sent Jax on missions to find his assignments with clues. Doing this turned an over an hour long lesson (in past experiences) into less then 30min to complete from start to finish! And! He did all of the reading and writing on his own!!!
It isn't easy for me - but it sure makes the day much better and Jax is happier!

I am so thankful for the example of a patient, loving, and gentle Father to point me in the right direction parenting our kids!