Monday, April 10, 2017

In His Arms

A friend of mine encouraged me to start blogging again.

Well ... Here I go ....

In His Arms
The past few months have not been easy.  I have been so wrapped up in my dads health.  Sad about the thought of loosing him.  One day I will, that's just the reality, but I am not ready.  What a relief to receive news yesterday that his cancer isn't as bad as they thought.  It is not in his bones and it is very treatable!  We aren't out of the woods but we are in a clearing and it is beautiful!

Even in the midst of my valley.  The darkness.  Uncertainty.  I was continually turning to God.  I had trouble 'feeling' Him.  Hearing.  Understanding.  But I knew that I needed to continue to turn to Him, lean on Him, talk to Him, and trust His plan what ever it may be.  It wasn't easy and there were days I was going through the motions.  But I felt it would be better to go through the motions rather than stop all together.

I am so glad I did!

Even though I felt like I wasn't hearing Him or understanding Him.  Now that I am in a clearing, I realize that I was hearing and understanding.  He is and was, in control, had it all figured out, and knew exactly where He wanted us to be and go.  I never lost sight of the fact that He wants us to plant a church.  I just didn't understand how that would work with my dad and cancer.  I see now that I was able to learn a lot and I know that these lessons will be applied later in my journey.  In many ways even.

Even in the valley I have learned to trust, lean, and walk with God.  Even if I feel like He's not there.  He IS there.  He literally was carrying me though!  There was one set of footprints.  And He was walking a straight path, while I was securely in His arms!