Well, Christmas day is over, and the New Year is right around the corner. I hope you had a wonderful holiday!
Here's what we did for our Christmas celebration.On Christmas Eve, we had our Christmas Eve Service at The Oaks. All of J's family came to church with us then we went over to his mom's for food! Yum!
Christmas day everyone came over to our house, we had 12 all together. I served a simple breakfast - kielbasa, potatoes, eggs, and cheese...then we opened our gifts. It is always fun to watch the kids and open gifts from them! Kids can be so thoughtful!
Once we were done with that I started the turkey. Then we all just hung out for the day. Actually, J's mom and aunt, spent most of the time playing our Wii - they got addicted, and mom is now set on getting one for herself! It was so much fun to watch them try to figure it out! ;o)
We had a full house - and it was worn out - but it was well worth it! I love it when my home is filled with people, fun, and laughter.
I hope you have a wonderful, safe, and fun New Year!
Okay, so every year at Easter and Christmas my husband looks forward to perogies. He grew up eating them and loves them. They are like dumplings, filled with potatoes and cheese. We boil them, then fry them up with salt pork, or bacon...and boy are they good!Here are some pictures of us putting them together. Kirstie was such a great help and so much fun!
The mashed potatoes and cheese balls.
The pinched pockets.

Yes, I know, an apron! My grandma came out with them and before I knew she was going to put it on me, I was already turned around, and she was pulling it over my head!!! LOL, never argue with Grandma! ;o)So, here we are, plucking along as best we could. Grandma over our shoulders yelling, "Good Show, Good Show!!!" and "You guys are doing so well!!!". T and I were very happy, and having lots of fun. Then it came...the baton was passed....I never saw it coming, but I suppose I should have! All of a sudden I hear it, grandma says: "Okay! Easter, YOU, will make the perogies!" I was in shock, what, me, make perogies? I've never done it before. I try to argue with her - speake some reason into her mind..."Grandma, you make them so well. We love your perogies." I know, I know, don't ever argue with the Grandma! Then she says, "Eeeehhhh, you need the practice!". So, there you have it - I now am the perogie maker...pleasse pray for me! I hope you all have a wonderful, fun, safe, memory filled Christmas and New Year!
We had such a great weekend! On Saturday we all slept in - what a rarity in our home! ;o)Once we were all up, dressed, and ready to move, we went to Target to get "Dark Knight". Then we came home to watch it. Right when the movie was over, my parents came over for a short visit. They wanted to see the dress Kyle has for her cotillion coming up in March. It looks so good on her! We are so excited! This is through her school for studying the 'Civil War' days. They are going to have a day of Civil War Era activities, then a dinner and cotillion at night!After mom and dad left we went to a friends house to see their Christmas Decorations inside and out. What a sight - so many lights, and literally hundreds of Santa Claus' inside!Sunday was church - we are loving it so much at The Oaks! What a great bunch of people, great community! After church we came home, had lunch, and I fell asleep on the couch! I couldn't believe it -I didn't even realize I was that tired! I was out for like 2.5 hours! I felt so good once I got up though! We took our girls to my parents house, so we could go to our staff Christmas Dinner with The Oaks. Thanks so much mom for watching the girls for us! We had such a wonderful time! We went to the Elephant Bar for dinner then over to a firends house for dessert, a gift exchange, and we played a game. This group of people had me laughing so hard - we had so much fun - I had a mild asthma attack! Crazy! It was so worth it though! We had so much fun! The game was played was called "One Truth". We were supposed to write down one truth about our self, that may not be obvious, and that no one knows about. We turned them all into to Vic, and he would read one at a time, and we would have to guess who we thought it was...Some of the things were so funny!!!! Mine was that I couldn't whistle, oh and by the way - I wasn't alone in that - there were two other people there who couldn't whistle! J's was that he wore a mullet in the 80's!!! That got lots of attention and laughter - as you can imagine!!! And here we are today - Monday - and it is pouring outside! I love this weather. I pray safety for everyone out there on the roads though - it is crazy out there!Blessings!

Well, we had quite the adventure Christmas Tree shopping last night!We started off at Home Depot, we have always had great luck there in the past. But this year they weren't so great.
So, many of them were already dry and starting to get brown. There were some nice ones there - but other people got them first! 
Then we headed over to Lowe's...still no luck! So we decided to head over to Stu Millers. Even though they are more expensive, they have better trees. We got there and fell in love with their trees, and then noticed the price tags, $20 more than at Home Depot!!! We were sad...then all of a sudden out from the trees pop out some of our friends!!! They were trying to scare us - but Kyle already scared me, so I was prepared for it again - just didn't expect it to be David & Ashlyn!!!! What a surprise! We started looking around again - and just couldn't settle with the idea of spending so much on a Christmas Tree. So, J went to talk to the gal to see if they would price match. She said that they would if we had a flyer from the store. So...we went back to Home Depot to get a flyer. David and Ashlyn were also heading over there (we told them about the deal) so off we went. Well, we saw them on the road over and David challenged J to a "race", not a real one of course, but you know boys! ;o) We were laughing so hard and had so much fun - yelling at each other while at stop lights and all - it was great! We got to Home Depot first though! ;o) We got our flyer's and then headed back to Stu Millers. And of course the race was on! As we were backing out of our parking space, David started to back out of his at the same time - and blocked us!!! Craziness! Then we were all on the road. We were never speeding by the way - just trying to get in front of each other. Well, David got to Stu Millers before us - after going through a mud puddle and getting some on the car!!! LOL
After all of that, the running around, getting in and out of the
car, we finally found the tree we all liked! And Stu Millers honored the pricing and we saved $20!!! When I asked the kids to get by the tree, the guy - Jay - wanted to get out of the way...but he didn't know me and how I take pictures...I had to line it up right and focus it - then take the picture...well he didn't wait behind the tree long enough...so he's in the picture as well! ;o) And if that wasn't enough! When we get home and J was bringing the tree to the porch, I let Kacey out, the dog, so she could go potty. Well, I didn't know J was on the steps with the tree and Kacey flipped out - started barking and everything, she couldn't see J because he was behind the tree. When J heard her barking he shock the tree at her - and it freaked her out even more....she did have to go potty and she let it out right there on the porch!!!! LOL It was so funny! We are hoping she'll remain 'afraid' of it after it is in the house and all decorated - would hate for her to get in trouble for playing with the tree! Have a great weekend all! Blessings!
Well, we had our first Sunday at The Oaks and the installation process. It was actually great. We had all three of our kids with us - which was a huge blessing. It was important to us to have all of us there because this really is a family thing.
The kids were a bit nervous about going up on stage - and quite honestly so was I - but we all did great.
Vic welcomed us up, introduced all of us...messed up on Kirstie's name, due to my trying to tell him while on stage and I was whispering so no one would hear me, but it was funny! Then he prayed for us...and it was so beautiful. He understands the importance of family and how it can effect your ministry in good and bad ways.
I think we are off to a great start at this church. They were very warm and inviting and welcomed us with open arms and hugs. Over all a great experience!
Kirstie was also invited to join the high school group to their winter camp, and she accepted the invite. This was a huge step for her, because this transition time has been very difficult on her. It is so hard to leave friends at one place/church and move on to a new one. Kyle is also having a challenging time, but I am sure that in a month or so, they will make great new connections here and be happy again.
The Youth Pastor, Blain, and his wife, Katie, are just amazing. They have a little daughter who is about 2, I think, and they just have a heart for the youth and growing them closer to God and Christ!
Well, that is about it on the new church front.
This week we are going to get our Christmas Tree and put up our Christmas decorations. We are very excited, this is our first Christmas in our new house.
Have a great day!