Saturday, December 6, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree....

Well, we had quite the adventure Christmas Tree shopping last night!

We started off at Home Depot, we have always had great luck there in the past. But this year they weren't so great.
So, many of them were already dry and starting to get brown. There were some nice ones there - but other people got them first!

Then we headed over to Lowe's...still no luck! So we decided to head over to Stu Millers. Even though they are more expensive, they have better trees. We got there and fell in love with their trees, and then noticed the price tags, $20 more than at Home Depot!!! We were sad...then all of a sudden out from the trees pop out some of our friends!!! They were trying to scare us - but Kyle already scared me, so I was prepared for it again - just didn't expect it to be David & Ashlyn!!!! What a surprise! We started looking around again - and just couldn't settle with the idea of spending so much on a Christmas Tree. So, J went to talk to the gal to see if they would price match. She said that they would if we had a flyer from the store. So...we went back to Home Depot to get a flyer. David and Ashlyn were also heading over there (we told them about the deal) so off we went. Well, we saw them on the road over and
David challenged J to a "race", not a real one of course, but you know boys! ;o) We were laughing so hard and had so much fun - yelling at each other while at stop lights and all - it was great! We got to Home Depot first though! ;o)
We got our flyer's and then headed back to Stu Millers. And of course the race was on! As we were backing out of our parking space, David started to back out of his at the same time - and blocked us!!! Craziness! Then we were all on the road. We were never speeding by the way - just trying to get in front of each other. Well, David got to Stu Millers before us - after going through a mud puddle and getting some on the car!!! LOL

After all of that, the running around, getting in and out of the
car, we finally found the tree we all liked! And Stu Millers honored the pricing and we saved $20!!! When I asked the kids to get by the tree, the guy - Jay - wanted to get out of the way...but he didn't know me and how I take pictures...I had to line it up right and focus it - then take the picture...well he didn't wait behind the tree long he's in the picture as well! ;o) And if that wasn't enough! When we get home and J was bringing the tree to the porch, I let Kacey out, the dog, so she could go potty. Well, I didn't know J was on the steps with the tree and Kacey flipped out - started barking and everything, she couldn't see J because he was behind the tree. When J heard her barking he shock the tree at her - and it freaked her out even more....she did have to go potty and she let it out right there on the porch!!!! LOL It was so funny! We are hoping she'll remain 'afraid' of it after it is in the house and all decorated - would hate for her to get in trouble for playing with the tree! Have a great weekend all! Blessings!

1 comment:

Marisa Haas said...

Sounds like a fun night! I am going to have to go there for our tree...with a home depot flyer :) Can't wait to see the pics of the decorated tree!