The other day I went out into our front yard and started taking pictures of the flowers in our yard - it was so much fun. Here are a few of them.

Last week, I started to go a little clean happy in our home. I started in our bed room, vacuuming the heck out of it. Moving furniture - except the bed, dresser, and desk they are too heavy - going along the walls, the window sills, and the dogs bed. It took me forever! And this was after I did some cleaning and purging of old stuff! Then, I moved into the front room vacuumed all of our furniture, the carpets and down the hall!
A couple of days later I was at the gas station and while I was waiting for the pump to finish, I started cleaning out the car of all the trash, empty water bottles, etc. Kirstie looks at me and says, "Geez mom - you are nesting bad!!!". I started laughing and figured she must be right. I'd rather get it done now while I am still 'comfortablely' pregnant rather than doing it all with a huge belly in the middle of summer!!!
These photos are PHat! Ha ha...get it? You said Phun? LOL I am a dork I know :) Love the bee pic.
Gorgeous Amy, glad you had some "phat phun"!!! =0) I love the 2nd shot.
Thank you so much ladies for your replies ... You brought a smile to my face!!! Love you both!
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