Well, yesterday we had the 'big' ultrasound ... however we already knew we were having a boy!We were able to bring our kids with us to this one - and we all had such a great time! We were all crammed into the tiny room - although I was comfy on the table! ;o)Our doctor talked more at this appointment than he has at all of our appointments put together! LOL I think it was due to the kids being there. He was being funny when he was raising the table, by waving his hands over me and saying "Rise. I tell you to rise." Goofy - but funny! ;o) As he was conducting the ultrasound he was giving us detail to everything we were seeing - it was great! We saw his arms, legs, toes, fingers, shoulders, knees, face - you name it! It was so amazing! We couldn't get a good/complete shot of Jaxon's head though - he was resting it right up against my belly so the uldtrasound waves were 'cutting through' his skull and we could see inside his head. Pretty amazing!This is the better one we have. In this picture you can see his profile, ear, shoulder & arm. If you look just below his elbow you'll see his knee.
In this shot we can't get a complete view of his head because he is resting up against my stomach. But you can make out his little nose, eyes, and mouth. The curly thing there is the cord.
You saw the inside of my belly - now here are my 20 weeks shots. I happen to like the 'inside' pictures better myself! ;o) 
Well - that is our most current update ... thanks for reading!Blessings!
Well, this week Jaxon's movement have gotten noticably stronger and more frequent ... I am so excited! For the last couple of weeks I have been trying to get J or the kids to feel him move, but one of two things would happen every time. One: he would stop moving all together; Two: his kicks wouldn't be strong enough to feel. Well, last night he was kicking pretty hard. I placed my hand on my belly to see if I could feel it from the outside ... I could! So, I asked J if he'd like to try again. He is such a goober ... he places his hand on my belly and looks at me like 'I don't feeling anything' ... 'How long will this take' ... mind you he didn't say any of these things, it's just what I saw in his face. I said to him 'What do you expect it to happen right away?'I felt Jaxon move a couple of times, but J couldn't feel any of them. I started to laugh, because just a moment before he was kicking hard and I could feel it. As I was laughing, Jaxon moved again - and I looked at J and asked 'Did you feel that?'. And to my excitment he said 'Yeah! It just felt like this (he lightly tapped my arm to where I could barly feel it)'. I said, 'Yep, that was him!' What a great expereince! I look forward to more of them as Jaxon gets stronger and bigger! This morning he was going crazy inside of me. I could feel him move in two different places at once - it was so awesome. He was so active and moving all over the place! I could feel his movement for about an hour! I was shocked that he was awake for so long - but then again so pleased to be able to feel him so much! I hope you have a wonderful day!Blessings!
As most of you know, I love drinking coffee. I had to give it up in my first trimester because I was so sick. So, I went through the headaches and all, but got better fast! In my second trimester I decided to work it back in ... I only drink a cup a day and not even every day. I thought this was a good pattern. Well ... I didn't drink it one day and ended up with a major headache. It took me the whole day through my headache to realize that it was from not having coffee. So I thought, I better be sure to drink it every day ... Then I thought ... if I am getting this headache, does that mean our baby will get one too - when I am breastfeeding?!?!? So, I have decided to give it up all together, I don't want to give our poor innocent little baby a headache ... not to mention I would have to deal with the crying! ;o) So, other than water, I had to give up my other two favorite beverages for this kid ... well worth it ... but I sure do miss them! At least I have my water ... now I'll drink some juice from time to time to change it up! ;o)
Also - here are some more pictures of me and baby. These are at 18wks 2dys. 
We also decided on a name. Kyle and I are sad that we didn't use the name Jedidiah, but the new name just seems to 'fit' right. His name is going to be Jaxon Wade. ;o) Blessings!
Well, the time is going by pretty fast. Even though for the first three months it seemed to drag on, here I am at almost four months pregnant now. I am feeling the baby move more and more as the weeks go on - and I am so excited about that!I felt like taking a picture of my belly with it clothed ... I feel like I look more pregnant in this shot.
I felt like sharing.Blessings!