As most of you know, I love drinking coffee. I had to give it up in my first trimester because I was so sick. So, I went through the headaches and all, but got better fast! In my second trimester I decided to work it back in ... I only drink a cup a day and not even every day. I thought this was a good pattern. Well ... I didn't drink it one day and ended up with a major headache. It took me the whole day through my headache to realize that it was from not having coffee. So I thought, I better be sure to drink it every day ... Then I thought ... if I am getting this headache, does that mean our baby will get one too - when I am breastfeeding?!?!? So, I have decided to give it up all together, I don't want to give our poor innocent little baby a headache ... not to mention I would have to deal with the crying! ;o) So, other than water, I had to give up my other two favorite beverages for this kid ... well worth it ... but I sure do miss them! At least I have my water ... now I'll drink some juice from time to time to change it up! ;o)
Also - here are some more pictures of me and baby. These are at 18wks 2dys. 
We also decided on a name. Kyle and I are sad that we didn't use the name Jedidiah, but the new name just seems to 'fit' right. His name is going to be Jaxon Wade. ;o) Blessings!
2 comments: happy about the name!!!! Sorry you had to give up coffee. Being the kind friend that I am, I will drink your cup for you. =0) Love, hugs and belly rubs. See you soon.
Can you drink decaf? What other drink did you have to give up? I agree that this will be well worth it :) I am surprised mom didn't lecture you about drinking caffeine while you are pregnant. LOL.
Don't be too sad that you didn't get to use the name you wanted, you never know... you may get to use it in the future :) Jaxon may need a younger sibling to play with.
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