Well, last night we had the opportunity to go see Star Trek with our friend Doreen! What a great experience!!! We saw it on IMAX - whoa was it clear, cool, and loud!!! ;o) Lots of fun.
I think Jaxon liked it as well. He was moving around like crazy through most of the movie. However, at one point I noticed that he was 'hitting' the same spot over and over. Then I realized ... Jaxon has the hiccups!!! It was soooo cool!
Once we got home from the movie - it was late about 12.30am!!! - I got ready for bed, crawled into bed, ready for some much needed sleep. But ... Jaxon had other plans! ;o) He started moving around - big kicks at that! I was thinking to myself - well, he always gives one good one but then not much after that. Right after that thought - here came another big kick ... then another ... then another. At this point I thought that I should go out to the living room (J seldom comes to bed at the same time as me ... he is the night owl in the family! ;o) ) so J could feel him. As I was walking out there I thought - bummer, now he is going to stop because I have moved! But we gave it a try none the less. After settling in and laying on my side and getting comfortable, J waited paitently. After a couple of minutes ... there he was kicking! I was so thrilled and J kept saying stuff like 'Whoa! - Cool' and giving little laughs! It was so much fun!!!
So, last night was very cool night. We got to see Star Trek, Jaxon had the hiccups, and J felt Jaxon move all around!!! What fun!
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