I may not have thrown him a party ... but I have been busy today. Laundry. Food. Shopping. Oh yeah, then all of the take care of Jaxon stuff! ;o)
It amazes me how fast they grow. It doesn't seem very long ago when he was just itty bitty in my arms and just looking around! Now he is sitting, talking - baby babble, and he has 'Mama' down really well - rolling over, reaching and grabbing toys, rolling to get toys. And of course some solid foods. I tell ya, I sure miss the breastfed only baby poop! :D He has even started to reach out to me when he wants me to pick him up. Baby's are so much fun!!!
I took some pictures of him today here is one to share with you.

I do have some more, but I am still going through them. Kyle even took some and I'd like to share some of those.
At first when I read this I thought you were mocking me! Lol. A party would be something I would totally do!!! :) We didn't get her a new toy, just a carseat, but she did finally get to open a toy from Xmas!!! Haha.
It's funny how our babies are so different yet exactly alike. We had almost the same exact things to say about them. We wouldn't even imagine our lives without them! Just think, they'll be another addition on the way too :)
Happy 1/2 Yr Jaxon!!! :) Love the picture. Looking forward to seeing more!
WHAT?!?!? What addition??? I go on vacation for a couple of days and there is 'addition' talk...someone better fill me in ASAP!!! Cute pic btw ;)
Marisa ... I think she was talking about you ... you have 'an addition' on the way ... right?!?! ;o)
Must be the pregnancy brain.
Now, I am going to feel real silly if Nett announces she is pregnant!!!!
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