Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Big day for us!

We have been a family for almost 9 years now. God has done an amazing job knitting us all together. Today, we finalized the adoption of Kirstie & Kyle by Jeremy ... their dad!

I know we didn't need a piece of paper to make it real, but it sure brings a sense of togehter-ness in our family!

Monday, March 28, 2011

15 years!

15 years ago today I had our second daughter. I can't believe it was that long ago already. It's funny, 15 years to think of it sounds like such a long time. But when I think of it in terms of age it's still a baby to me. (Sssshhhh, don't tell my daughter I said that.) ;o)

Seriously though, 15! In three short years she'll be considered an adult. Still young, but legally an adult! When I think about how fast the past 15 years has gone, I know the next three are going to be a blink! ***sniff sniff***

I am very proud of our young lady. She has endured great hardships, but has prevailed!!! I know she is going to be a strong one, and will succeed at anything she puts her mind to!

Love you Kyle!!!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gag reflex!

Okay, each of our kids has something we won't make them eat. Due to the item making them gag when trying to eat it.

With Kirstie, it's salmon. We always make our kids try something at least twice. With Kirstie we forgot that she had tried it once before, so ended up trying it three times!!! LOL Anyway, when she eats it, she literally gags, almost to the point of barfing! It's funny to watch! LOL

Tonight, we found Jax's 'salmon'.


He wanted a bite of bacon, and I told him that he had to eat one bite of egg first. This after he tried it a couple of times, but didn't swallow it, he spit it out. He took the bite into his mouth, chewed a couple of times and attempted to swallow it. LOL He gagged so bad, and out came the eggs!

Needless to say, I won't make him eat egg again ... at least for a while! ;o)