Monday, March 28, 2011

15 years!

15 years ago today I had our second daughter. I can't believe it was that long ago already. It's funny, 15 years to think of it sounds like such a long time. But when I think of it in terms of age it's still a baby to me. (Sssshhhh, don't tell my daughter I said that.) ;o)

Seriously though, 15! In three short years she'll be considered an adult. Still young, but legally an adult! When I think about how fast the past 15 years has gone, I know the next three are going to be a blink! ***sniff sniff***

I am very proud of our young lady. She has endured great hardships, but has prevailed!!! I know she is going to be a strong one, and will succeed at anything she puts her mind to!

Love you Kyle!!!!!

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