This buck was crazy! When we first drove by him we thought he was fake because he was standing so still and in the 'perfect' position...but when we turned around to take a closer look, we found him laying down. So, we stopped and hung out with him for a bit.

The Grand Canyon...I just can't get enough of this amazing place!!!!

Sunset Crater - one of my favorite places...I really don't know why - but for some reason I love it here. We hiked a mile at the base of the crater - and had a wonderful time talking and taking pictures!

Here is Glen Canyon...one of J's favorite places. I have to admin - I love it too...I just love being by the water and listening to it and all. It's so peaceful and beautiful there!

In the distance is Twin Peaks from the base of Sunset Crater...it is also an old volcano, just much larger!!!! Very amazing!!! Can you see the lava fields in the foreground? So cool!!!

This is Wupatki National Park...some old Ruins on the back side of Sunset Crater. It is so much fun to walk around these old buildings and look at the construction of it all. All of these sites are so quiet and peaceful! It was great to get away and relax...amidst all of our driving...and just take in the views.
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
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