Thursday, February 26, 2009

Busier now than ever!

I'm not surprised, I knew that being a SAHM - Stay At Home Mom - was a lot of work, I've done this before. But it still makes me laugh when I realize that I have more to do now than I did when I was working at the office!

However, for me there is nothing better than being at home with my kids, taking them to and from school, taking care of the house, and preparing meals for my family. I really feel like I am doing what I was meant to do, and that is so satisfying!

So far this week I have gone into Escondido 8 times, with two more on the way, done five loads of laundry, changed the sheets and washed the blankets on our bed. I've blogged on both of my sites. I've cooked two dinners this week (I know that doesn't sound impressive, but my family has been living off of left-overs, and fend for your self nights for a couple of weeks, I have been so sick and tired!). I've helped Kyle with school, which is so much fun for me! It's fun to relearn things and be a part of her education. I've had a parent/student teacher meeting. I've ran several errands, and I am only half way through Thursday!

I can't stop thinking about what a blessing all of this is though! I've wanted to be home again for such a long time, but in the grand scheme of things I wasn't even away for that long, just about two years. Things haven't exactly worked out like we had thought they would, but God has been in the middle of this whole thing and we feel like we are on the right track. He provides for our every need, and we pray that our every need is all we want.


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