We had our first prenatal appointment this afternoon. It was a new doctors office for us, but it was great. I had my orientation at 2pm and the doctor appointment at 3pm. In between the two appointments I had my lab work done.
I have opted out of having all of the genetic testing done. I decided that no matter what happens, I am going to deliver this baby and it's all in God's hands anyway. So, why put myself through all of the stress of the testing and increase my chances of having a miscarriage?!?!
Once my appointment was finished with the doctor, whom we love by the way! - we went into another room for the ultrasound!!! I was so excited because I didn't think I was going to get an ultrasound! When the doctor first put the wand on my tummy, I panicked...it's amazing how fast your mind thinks...I didn't see anything in the monitor and thought 'great here we go again!' But then, not even a second later, there it was - the BABY!!!! It was so amazing, and so beautiful! We saw that heartbeat and all - it was AWESOME!!!! I started crying from awe and relief! It is such a blessing!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed evening/week!

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