Thursday, May 27, 2010

52 Week Project 21

Okay, it has been quite the week! We have had nine people in from Michigan - and it has been great! Along with Kirstie's play, Kyle's promotion, 8th grade parties, on top of all of our regular weekly things. I am going to be glad once this week is over ... but it has been a great one!

I took the kids out to do a group shot, but it didn't come out like I wanted. I went too early in the day - it was too bright. I am going to try again later in the day so we have that nice evening light. So this was the next best one I had to share.

ISO 100 ~ 42mm ~ 1/640 ~ 2.8


Thursday, May 20, 2010

52 Week Project 20

Jaxon really loves this blanket, it has become so much a part of his daily living that we have given the blanket a name "Chewy".

When ever he nurses, goes to sleep, or is just relaxing we really should have it! ;o) It received it's name because Jax likes to chew on the edges of the blanket ... it really is quite cute.

Anyway, this day when I laid him down for his nap I only covered him with his blanket. When I came in to check on him a bit later I saw that he had found the tag! LOL Oh, and he loves to play with tags! ;o)

I thought this was so cute ... and I also have a thing for hands ... especially baby hands!

ISO 1600 ~ 70mm ~ 1/100 ~ 2.8


Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Here is the video!


Oh How they Grow!

On Sunday, Jax actually crawled hand and kneed to me at church, as I posted in my previous blog. That was his first real good actual crawl.

Now, only three days later, he seems to have mastered this new found ability. Last night at Aunt Marisa's and Uncle Nick's he was all over their living room. Granted, I had to take his pants off so he could get some traction on their laminate floors, but he did it. Today in our bedroom, where we have carpet, he crawled to me. Daddy was cool enough to get it on video for us. I'll be posting it later on. I have a bunch of video to do a head of that one.

Just thought I'd share.

Monday, May 10, 2010

52 Week Project 19

Okay, this week Jaxon turned 8 months old! Of course I took some pictures of him and I couldn't pick only one. Sorry! ;o)

Here are my photo's for this week.
The first one was taken on Mother's Day, also his actual 8 month old day! ;o) The rest were taken this morning while he was in a good mood! ;o)


Mother's Day

This Mother's Day I received something from each of my kids. Not that I didn't usually in the past, but this year, they each did something for me on their own! How special is that?!?!

From Kirstie I received this card.

From Kyle I received this letter along with a $15 iTunes gift card.

From Josh I received this card.

Jax even got in on the fun! While we were in the nursery at church I was holding Beckham, another baby about a month younger than Jax. We were having a fun time and Jax was sitting on the floor not far from us. He turned to see me with Beckham and actually crawled, hand - knee, to me! After seeing him do that, I put Beckham down next to me and picked up Jax. Boy was he proud of himself! ;o)
It really was a wonderful special day!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

52 Week Project 18

Well, I am warning you now ... if you don't like snakes don't look at this picture.

Earlier this week my husband caught a snake out by our trash cans. Our daughter was taking the trash out and this snake scared her pretty bad. She came running in all out of breath "There's a snake out there!!!" So, J went out there to move it so he wouldn't get hurt. But then here he came up onto our porch with the gopher snake asking us to get our camera. Did I mention that he is a snake guy?!?!? :D

So, again I say - if you don't like snakes just pass this weeks post up. ;o)


ISO 160 ~ 70mm ~ 2.8 ~ 1/1250