Thursday, May 20, 2010

52 Week Project 20

Jaxon really loves this blanket, it has become so much a part of his daily living that we have given the blanket a name "Chewy".

When ever he nurses, goes to sleep, or is just relaxing we really should have it! ;o) It received it's name because Jax likes to chew on the edges of the blanket ... it really is quite cute.

Anyway, this day when I laid him down for his nap I only covered him with his blanket. When I came in to check on him a bit later I saw that he had found the tag! LOL Oh, and he loves to play with tags! ;o)

I thought this was so cute ... and I also have a thing for hands ... especially baby hands!

ISO 1600 ~ 70mm ~ 1/100 ~ 2.8


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