Okay, it has been quite the week! We have had nine people in from Michigan - and it has been great! Along with Kirstie's play, Kyle's promotion, 8th grade parties, on top of all of our regular weekly things. I am going to be glad once this week is over ... but it has been a great one!
I took the kids out to do a group shot, but it didn't come out like I wanted. I went too early in the day - it was too bright. I am going to try again later in the day so we have that nice evening light. So this was the next best one I had to share.

ISO 100 ~ 42mm ~ 1/640 ~ 2.8
It may have been too bright, but I like it. Kyle's hair looks beautiful in the sun! Plus you can still see their faces so it's not a bad shot. I've seen some photographers use actions to have the same look as this pic. So I'd have to say good job! :)
Thanks Nett!
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