Friday, October 19, 2012

Focus on the kids ...

... this is my task at hand.  

Being a stay at home mom isn't easy.  I have been a working mom before as well, and I would say that was much easier than staying home with them.  However, this is what I wanted to do, and feel God has for me.  

The past couple of weeks have been particularly challenging with moving and all.  And there is so much to be done, unpack, clean, arrange ... rearrange, not to mention the regular day to day things with a family of 7.  Food, diaper changes, potty stops, laundry, etc.  

I have been very stressed trying to get it all done.  My husband has told me on numerous occasions to just focus on the kids, cause that's what is important.  It has been hard, because I want to have everything done.  

But today, I have changed my perspective.  I am going to focus on the kids.  As I have done this, I have found that everything else is falling into place.  Granted I don't have everything done, and some things are waiting.  But the stress level is less and the kids are happier.  

Friday, August 31, 2012

Squeaky 3

I know Jax isn't three yet but it's just around the corner.

A few weeks ago we noticed that Jax had a very squeaky & cracking voice. I thought it was so cute. This lasted until today. When I realized his voice sounds different!

I didn't know that my young man would go through a voice change at such a young age. I expect it from Josh at 12 years old but not a two year old Jaxon. ;-)

That's it. I thought I'd share! Thanks for reading!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

God's Will

I knew I'd be moving out of CA one day. I knew it wasn't going to be easy. I'd be leaving all that I ever knew, family and friends. And I'm a pretty socialable person. Relationships are important to me.

When God showed us it was time to move to Williams AZ I was excited and scared. Excited to be in His will but scared to start all over.

It sure hasn't been an easy move on any of us. However we all know that we are in the middle of His will and He has us where He wants us. We can not see the whole picture but we trust He can.

I am thankful for the seeds He has planted. The lessons we have learned so far have been priceless. I have learned how to be more dependent on God. To trust Him and His planning over my own. Things I don't think I could have learned while comfortably living in CA. Our kids have learned how to be stronger Christians. To stand up for what they believe in and not give up on that.

These 'seeds' will continue to be watered and I'm excited to see what they will grow into. And I know that they are necessities to a firm foundation.

I am so thankful God meets me where I am and accepts me right now. And even as painful as it can be, I am thankful that He loves me so much. So much in fact that He won't leave me where I am. He wants to grow me, challenge me, and draw me closer to Him.

God's will isn't always comfortable or easy but it is always a learning experience!


Butterfly Wings

Back in April I took Jaxon to a Story/Craft time at our local coffee shop.  It was one of his favorite books, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  He had so much fun!  He flew around in his wings for days after that!  

I also thought it would be a good submission for the 'Fly' contest through Epiphanie.  ;o)

My "fly" photo submission in the Epiphanie Camera Bags + My Four Hens photo contest!

Overcoming Evil in Parenting

Romans 12:21 says:
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

I read this while having a particularly hard time as a patent. Lack of sleep and a growing 2 year old while caring for a (almost) three month old makes for a challenging combo.

I wanted to give up on being a mom. I felt like I couldn't take it anymore. Then I felt even worse because I love being a mom and I know I'm blessed to be able to stay home with my kids.

I wondered how I could 'overcome this evil in parenting with good'. How could I be a 'good' parent through all of my fatigue and overcome?

I realized that I had become very short tempered with Jax and telling him 'no' a lot.

I thought I would try it. After all God's word isn't wrong is it.

No more yelling at Jax. No more saying 'no' to everything. And offer other options to him when he can't have what he really wants. And when he needed to go on a time out I would do it calmly and explain things to him. It's amazing how much children really understand!

So through lots of praying to keep calm. Asking God to be my strength in my weakness. And a little determination. After just half a day of doing this things got easier.

I was amazed!

I would love to say that I'm not tired any more but that would be a lie. But! Jax's attitude changed and he became easier to handle.

I love how we can apply Gods word in and to every area in our lives. We just need to be willing and open to it.


Friday, March 23, 2012


It has been an interesting couple of weeks in our home! To start off, we had our baby, McKenzie on March 12th. She came by way of c-section. My mom came on the 9th to help out and prepare some meals for us. So thankful for all of that!!!

I came home from the hospital on the 14th. Then on the 16th ended up in ER due to a spinal headache. The absolute worst pain I have ever been in ... ever! And I have birth two babies naturally, with no medication! I didn't want to get the blood patch to 'fix' the spinal headache because I have an intense fear of needles. My 'prescription' was lots of caffeine, water, and laying down. Thankfully all of that has worked! It took about four days. My kids and husband have been AMAZING. Pulling all of the 'mom-duties' weight, including taking care of Jax.

I'm still not 100%. But the spinal headache is gone. I can deal with the rest of the pain in my abdomen. ;o)

The thing that has been the hardest on me is dealing with Jax. His whole world has been turned upside down. He loves his little sister so much and is so kind to her, holding her, giving her kisses, and being ever so gentle when around her and I. He understands so much and is being so careful when he is around us as to not hurt us. ;o) He is excited about being a big brother and is filling the role nicely.

However, we have had several bouts of fit throwing and screaming. It is so hard for me to deal with his fits, because one, I don't like fits, two, I can't pick him up, three, I have so little energy to deal with it. As, I was getting after him to stop his fit throwing, I realized that I don't treat Kenzie that way. I talk calmly to her and gently. Jax sees this. I am sure it doesn't make any sense to him why mommy would yell at him and not at is new baby sister. I had to catch myself and calm down and talk to him in a cool manner. It didn't help right away, but I am sure in the long run it will make a difference. ;o)

I do all I can to spend time with Jax and remind him how wonderful he is and important he is to me. I do this when he is calm and no longer throwing fits. I've had to let him 'get it out' on his own in his room, but once he is done, we come together and visit.

Cutting this one short - and to an abrupt end - because McKenzie is asking for food! ;o)

Thanks for reading!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Parenting has its rewards

As much as this is a 'Monday' for me ... and as much as Jax wears me out - there are moments that are just priceless and make up for all of the hard work!

This afternoon at lunch he asked me to read him a 'pretend' book. So, I opened up my hands and we read two stories. The first one was about a 'lot of people' (Jax picked the topic ;o)) They went on many adventures and we discovered at the end that they were a family. The second book we read, again picked by Jax, was about a horse. This horse also went on many adventures and enjoyed smelling the pink flowers! ;o)

Once I was done reading to him, he decided to read himself. He would start with "Once upon a time ... " And he made up his own story. His was about a princess who loved to play games and take naps. ;o) However, his princess wasn't just in his story. She came with us to clean up his toys and then laid down to take a nap. He even asked me to give her hugs & kisses and cover her up with her blanket!

It's moments like these that bring me back into the reality of why I am a stay at home mom and why I do what I do. I've been so extremely tired these past couple of weeks and Jax has really been trying my patients. But I was reminded today of how important investing into our children really is! :D

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Today during lunch Jaxon took me for a drive. ;o) Here's a short story of our adventures!

Me: "Where are you taking me today Jaxon?"
Jax: "We going to Gamma Debbie's house."
We played games with Grandma Debbie, told her that we love her, and continued on with more games. He loves to play games at Grandma Debbie's house!

Then he got us back into the car again. I asked him again, "Where are we going this time?"
He reply's, "To Neese's wedding."
Me: "Oh what fun!"
Jax: "Uncle Sean be there?"
Me: "Yes, of course Uncle Sean will be at Neese's wedding!"
Jax: "I see Uncle Sean. I love Uncle Sean."
Jax: "Now we go my wedding!"

I was a little surprised at this last comment. I would expect it from my daughter, but never thought I would hear it from my son. Not to mention - my mind went into the future and I am just not ready for that one yet!!! LOL Never-the-less, we went to his wedding.

Jax: "I wear my suit."
Me: "Great! I love your suit! Who are you going to marry?"
Jax: "Grandma Debbie"
I half expected him to say "Mommy", but this brought a smile to my face! :D

Remember, we are sitting at the table eating lunch when we did all of this. Our 'car' was his sandwich. He would take bites of it and set it up on end and have us 'get in' and he would drive us away. When he would take another bite, it would say we have a different car! ;o)

We ended up at my wedding with daddy. Daddy and I got married and Jax and Grandma Debbie got married.

With his last bite our car was gone and so ended our little adventure!

It sure can be refreshing to join a toddler in their world of imagination and creativity. Escaping from 'reality' for a short time. Remembering that sometimes life really can be that simple and enjoyable. Thank God for children and the lessons we can learn from them!!! And here we thought we were the teachers! ;o)

Blessings to you!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

What are your desires?

Psalm 37:4 (NIV)
Delight yourself in the LORD
and he will give you the desires of your heart.

The first time I read this I thought to myself, "Cool! If I am happy in Him, then I'll get everything I want!"

Then sometime later, I realized that isn't what this verse is telling me. If I would delight myself in the Lord, focus on Him and make Him the purpose/reason I do everything, then His desires will become my desires. If my desires are His, then blessings will abound.

I don't believe God will give me all that I want. Mostly because He is the Father, and knows what is best. Sometimes the things I want are not the things I need. As a parent I have come to understand this more and more.

But, I do believe that if I trust in Him and place my entire life into His hands, then He will grant me the desires of my heart. And they won't be selfish desires (most of the time) because they will be His.

I hope that makes sense!

God has the very best planned for each one of us. We only need to trust in Him and His timing and be still knowing that He is God and He will reign!

Blessings to you!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

What is in a Name

Psalm 20:7 reads:
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.

I love how it is in the Name of the Lord we have trust. We carry so much by our names. Our names identify us.

God's name is Faithfulness, Grace, Mercy, Provider, Lover, and many, many more. He has given us no reason to not believe and trust in His name. When He says He is going to do something He does it.

I love that I can trust in His Name and lean on Him through the good times and the bad!

What is His Name to you?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What Motivates You?

This morning my devotional was titled "Motivation". And the question was "What compels you to follow Christ in obedience?" I thought this was a very good question. We can be motivated by fear, pride, guilt, and many other things.

I had to really think about this. I can't sum it up in one word though. Most of my life I have been one to 'follow the rules'. Now of course there have been exceptions ... I am only human! ;o) But, for the most part, I don't like to break rules because I don't want to pay the consequences. I would rather stay on the path, where it is 'safe'.

As many of you may know though, following Christ isn't always easy - it's always safe - but it can be very painful from time to time. It's during these times that I reach out for God's truth and grab on to it with all that I've got. It may not always be easy, bright, and full of fun, but God's path is always the right one and there is always blessings in and/or through it.

I choose to follow Christ because I know that He is faithful. He never lets go and He is always there for me. I am motivated to follow Him, I suppose by fear. Not the fearful fear, but the respectful fear. Knowing that God is God, and He is forever FAITHFUL!!! He has our best in mind.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

What motivates you?