Friday, March 23, 2012


It has been an interesting couple of weeks in our home! To start off, we had our baby, McKenzie on March 12th. She came by way of c-section. My mom came on the 9th to help out and prepare some meals for us. So thankful for all of that!!!

I came home from the hospital on the 14th. Then on the 16th ended up in ER due to a spinal headache. The absolute worst pain I have ever been in ... ever! And I have birth two babies naturally, with no medication! I didn't want to get the blood patch to 'fix' the spinal headache because I have an intense fear of needles. My 'prescription' was lots of caffeine, water, and laying down. Thankfully all of that has worked! It took about four days. My kids and husband have been AMAZING. Pulling all of the 'mom-duties' weight, including taking care of Jax.

I'm still not 100%. But the spinal headache is gone. I can deal with the rest of the pain in my abdomen. ;o)

The thing that has been the hardest on me is dealing with Jax. His whole world has been turned upside down. He loves his little sister so much and is so kind to her, holding her, giving her kisses, and being ever so gentle when around her and I. He understands so much and is being so careful when he is around us as to not hurt us. ;o) He is excited about being a big brother and is filling the role nicely.

However, we have had several bouts of fit throwing and screaming. It is so hard for me to deal with his fits, because one, I don't like fits, two, I can't pick him up, three, I have so little energy to deal with it. As, I was getting after him to stop his fit throwing, I realized that I don't treat Kenzie that way. I talk calmly to her and gently. Jax sees this. I am sure it doesn't make any sense to him why mommy would yell at him and not at is new baby sister. I had to catch myself and calm down and talk to him in a cool manner. It didn't help right away, but I am sure in the long run it will make a difference. ;o)

I do all I can to spend time with Jax and remind him how wonderful he is and important he is to me. I do this when he is calm and no longer throwing fits. I've had to let him 'get it out' on his own in his room, but once he is done, we come together and visit.

Cutting this one short - and to an abrupt end - because McKenzie is asking for food! ;o)

Thanks for reading!

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