Saturday, June 9, 2012

Overcoming Evil in Parenting

Romans 12:21 says:
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

I read this while having a particularly hard time as a patent. Lack of sleep and a growing 2 year old while caring for a (almost) three month old makes for a challenging combo.

I wanted to give up on being a mom. I felt like I couldn't take it anymore. Then I felt even worse because I love being a mom and I know I'm blessed to be able to stay home with my kids.

I wondered how I could 'overcome this evil in parenting with good'. How could I be a 'good' parent through all of my fatigue and overcome?

I realized that I had become very short tempered with Jax and telling him 'no' a lot.

I thought I would try it. After all God's word isn't wrong is it.

No more yelling at Jax. No more saying 'no' to everything. And offer other options to him when he can't have what he really wants. And when he needed to go on a time out I would do it calmly and explain things to him. It's amazing how much children really understand!

So through lots of praying to keep calm. Asking God to be my strength in my weakness. And a little determination. After just half a day of doing this things got easier.

I was amazed!

I would love to say that I'm not tired any more but that would be a lie. But! Jax's attitude changed and he became easier to handle.

I love how we can apply Gods word in and to every area in our lives. We just need to be willing and open to it.


1 comment:

J. Ketchum said...

Baber... you are such an amazing women of God!! We (your family) are so blessed to have you!! Thank you for following Him!!!