Tuesday, December 22, 2009

First Bottle

Well, it wasn't the first time we tried a bottle, but it was the first time he acutaly took it.
It was so sweet to watch daddy feed him! Jaxon didn't flintch at the bottle at all either. The first time we tried to give him a bottle he was 3 weeks old. J said that he would suck on it, but as soon as he got any milk, he wouldn't have anything to do with it ... weird! ;o)
This time, he took it as if he was a bottle pro! ;o) We gave it to him, just to be sure that he would take one, if for any reason he ever needed it.

Then a couple of days later, I thought we should give it a go again. I figured, we have the milk so we might as well use it! ;o)
This time I gave it to T. Again, Jax took it no problem. When she was done I asked T if she enjoyed feeding Jaxon. I really liked her reply, "I enjoy watching you feed him better mom." :D I have to admit, watching him eat from a bottle made me kinda sad. I am thankful that he'll take one, but I was really missing feeding him myself. ;o) It may be a while before we give him another bottle!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hello Again!

It has been such a long time since I have blogged!!!

Here we are heading into Christmas already! I can't believe it is that time of year again, but here we are!
We are now a family of six. The beautiful picture on this blog was taken by my friend (and sister in law) Marisa Haas.

With the new addition to our lives ... Jaxon ... I started to look at Christmas differently. In the years past we have bought so many presents and went to great lengths to decorate our home. It was pretty stressful. We have decided to focus more on the reason for the season, especially now. So, instead of buying a ton of gifts we have adopted a new tradition, (thanks to a friend sharing this idea with us). Everyone will get two of each, a want, a need, and a surprise.

As for decorating and all, we have decided that if it gets done, great, if not that is great too. Already we have been less stressed and enjoying the time together, shopping and all so much more!

Here is a picture of our tree before we were completely finished with it. While we were decorating it, Ethan and Owen came over to hang out with us for the evening and joined in the fun of decorating the tree with us. I have also decided that I need to spend more time with my camera again. There is so much I want to learn and the only way I am going to learn is if I play with it more. I took some time 'off' from my picture taking due to having Jaxon ... but he is three months old now, so I think I can pull it out and play around again. Jaxon does such a great job with his sisters that I'll have a bit more time for me. ;o)

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year!