Tuesday, April 27, 2010

52 Week Project 17

Sweet Morning Light!

This picture is a view from my front door. When I woke up and looked outside I wanted to capture what I saw. Unfortunately the picture does it no justice. I love the look of the morning sun washing over the landscape in the early morning. It feels so clean, fresh, and new to me. Gives me a feeling of a clean slate.

ISO 800 ~ 24mm ~ 2.8 1/3200

Monday, April 26, 2010

All too fast!

Well here we are, Jaxon is 7 months old ... where has the time gone?!?!?

I noticed on Saturday that Jax had a tooth which was just about to poke through. Come Sunday morning there it was! Still can't see it, but it sure is a sharp one!

He has been scooting all over the place, starting to sit up from being on his belly, and he thinks he can just lunge forward and get what ever he wants! I think he is going to be an independent little guy ... after he gets over his mamma boy stint! ;o)

If all of that weren't enough ... I took him outside to play today after lunch. Brought out a blanket and all - to keep him contained and safe from the 'pricklies' we have in our grass. We were doing well, sitting and talking, looking all around at the different things in our yard.

Then ... he notices the little 'sticks' in the grass - fallen from our Jacaranda Tree - he enjoys playing with them! He was in the middle of the blanket ... then he lunged forward, put one hand in front of the other - then one knee in front of the other - and there he went ... crawling off of the blanket onto the grass to reach is goal ... a stick! ;o)

I just love to watch babies grow up and learn new things and explore. It also makes me sad that it all happens so fast! It seems like just last month we were heading to the hospital to have Jax. And now he is eating, moving, has a tooth, sitting, and talking.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

52 Week Project 16

My family and I went down to Sea Port Village and had a blast!
The weather was a bit gray and on the cooler side, but it was still nice.

As we walked along the harbor, there were all sorts of things going on. Sword-Swallower's, key boardists, sax players, palm readers, even a 'fake' Mickey Mouse!!! LOL

As we walked by this guy playing his sax, I got chills. You could tell he really enjoyed playing, he put his heart and soul into it. I took several pictures, but none of them do any justice for the passion he possessed. But I wanted to share one of them anyway.

ISO 100 ~ 46mm ~ 2.8 ~ 1/160 ~ PP in Aperture


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Are you tired yet?!?!?

Here is how my day has looked today.

6am ~ Jax up to eat and decided to stay awake! ;o(
7.30am ~ Leave to take Kyle to school
8.30am ~ Home, eat, feed Jax, make the bed, try to get Jax to take a nap.
10.30am ~ Leave to pick Kyle up from school, drop T off at school. Go to Sprint to get Kyle's phone, warrentied. Go to Target.
1.00pm ~ Home. Feed Jax lunch, make lunch for J and myself. Nurse Jax.
2.15 pm~ Leave to pick Josh up from school.
3.00pm ~ Home. Feed Jax AGAIN! Try to get him asleep ... AGAIN ... No luck.
3.30pm ~ Leave to pick T up from school.

During this trip out we found out that Jae and Sean are going to be at my parents for dinner tonight. They are going to be moving soon, so we would like to take this opportunity to visit with them. Needed to talk to the girls to see what they would like to do. They have Youth Group tonight, so wanted to leave the choice up to them.
They decided to go to dinner! :D

4.30pm ~ Home.
5.00pm ~ Start typing this blog ... need to leave ... now ... to get to dinner at the parents!!!

I am so tired now ... but am really looking forward to dinner tonight. :D


Monday, April 12, 2010

52 Week Project 15

Here is my photo for the week.

ISO 500 ~ 48mm ~ 2.8 ~1/125 ~ PP in Aperture

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

52 Week Project 14

Well here we go with week 14, boy is the time going by so fast!!!

I liked how these roses were 'laying' down on the ground. They looked so 'peaceful' to me! ;o)

ISO 100 ~ 40mm ~ 2.8 ~ 1-60 ~ PP in Aperture


Monday, April 5, 2010

Search Lights

As I was driving home with my daughters ... and Jax ... on Saturday night from my brother's house we saw search lights in the distance. This reminded me of something my dad did when I was a child.

I don't remember how old I was, I remember I was young. San Marcos was not built up like it is today ... not much on San Marcos Blvd at all. We have lived here since I was one year old ... so I have seen a lot of change.

One night we saw search lights from our house on top of the hill, over looking the valley. My dad said, "Hey! Let's go find out where they are!" Yeah, an adventure! I was excited!

We loaded up in the car and set out to find the search light location! I remember sitting in the back seat watching my dad drive and look up into the night sky for the lights. He would look out, then navigate the streets, getting us closer and closer.

Once we found them, dad parked the car, then took us out to look at the lights. He then went on to explain to us how they work, powered by a motor and rotating all about. He pointed to the source of light, then followed the bright light line into the sky where it was moving around. It is so like my dad to explain how things work ... lots of fun for a child!

So now when ever I see search lights in the night sky, I think of this day when I was a child. Such happy memories. I have another good one of a hot air balloon ... but that I will save for another blog!
