Monday, March 29, 2010

52 Week Project 13

The other day I had lunch with a friend. I brought my camera as well ... of course! ;o) Here are a couple of pictures I took of her kids.

This one isn't very sharp. I accidentally focused on the wood behind them instead of them ... opps! I tried to sharpen it up a bit. I loved how Eva is looking at Elisabeth and the smile on Elisabeth's face. I had to post it.

ISO 100 ~ 24mm ~ 2.8 ~ 1/320 ~ PP in Aperture

I really liked this one. I am a sucker for B&W, and I loved the way she looked walking away from me with her head tilted downward.

ISO 100 ~ 70mm ~ 2.8 ~ 1/1600 ~ PP in Aperture

Ronda, thank you for the wonderful lunch, pleasant company and the permission to use your photos! ;o)


Monday, March 22, 2010

Eating Grapes

I just loves these things from Munchkin! It appears that Jax does also.

We have been giving samples of food for several weeks now ... he is really enjoying his food! Then today I remembered that we had these things and grapes! So he was able to feed himself some grapes. It was fun to watch him experience food in a new way! ;o)


Learning to nail exposure

Last week I got together with a fellow photographer friend, Kristen Bons, to pick up on some pointers. I really enjoy photography, but want to do better at taking clearer, sharper shots. I know it all falls on exposure, but for some reason I am having a difficult time getting it.

Here are some shots I took after learning some new - new to me - tricks.

I have had my eye on this wagon for quite sometime. The lighting wasn't the greatest - well it wasn't what I had envisioned - but I finally got a picture of it. It is really starting to fall apart, but I really like it's character!

Where we live there are horses everywhere. We love it! This one is one of my favorites. She has great coloring and seems so friendly and loving.

Recently we have noticed a pony around. It's funny, it appears to not live in the same corral as the others, but just roams about on her own. I've even seen her in the road before!
This is a sign pointing to 'Ascend Rd'. This one was just for fun!
Kristen, thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me. I found your knowledge very helpful!


52 Week Project 12

I took Jax out for a stroll to calm him down the other day and brought my camera with me.

I got a bunch of photos, but this one was my favorite.

ISO 100 ~ 50mm ~ 4.5 ~ 1/200

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

For Fun

Well, on Sunday I had many opportunities to take pictures ... and I had a blast doing it.

These guys are just fun for me! First of all I love the sock monkey stuff ... too cute. Second of all, they were just sitting there in the grass cause T took them off to sit on the blanket and play with Jax. They just looked so cute to me sitting there. Silly I know - but hey, that's me! ;o)

This next one I took while our power was out for almost three hours on Sunday. We lit candle's, pulled out our flash lights, and lit a fire. Jax was mesmerized with the flames. This was a step up from the last time we had a fire. The flames scared him so bad that he screamed and cried like he got hurt! This time he sat there staring at them talking in his soft 'Ooooo', 'Aaaaa' whispers. It was so sweet!!!

52 Week Project 11

For the last couple of weeks I've wanted to get a shot of the California Poppy's which are growing sporadically around here.

Sunday I had the opportunity.
I snapped a bunch of different shots ... wasn't too happy with many of them ... but found this one. So I went with it as my 52 project this week.

ISO 100 ~ 43mm ~ 3.5 ~ 1/800

Thursday, March 11, 2010

52 Week Project 10

Okay, here comes Jaxon ... again!!! Jax turned 6 months old this week, so I took some pictures of him. I didn't want to pick only one, cause I wanted to share with you guys the different looks on his face we were able to capture.

All the shots were taken at ISO 400 ~ 2.8 ~ 1/100 and post processing in LR.

The last two were taken by Kyle!

My breech baby!!!

He reminds me of Harold, from "Harold and the Purple Crayon" in this one.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Half a Year Old!!!

Well, is six months old. I have been so busy today throwing him a 'Half-Birthday' ... cake ... balloons ... games ... friends ... toys ... that I haven't been able to get to blogging until now. YA RIGHT!!! LOL

I may not have thrown him a party ... but I have been busy today. Laundry. Food. Shopping. Oh yeah, then all of the take care of Jaxon stuff! ;o)

It amazes me how fast they grow. It doesn't seem very long ago when he was just itty bitty in my arms and just looking around!
Now he is sitting, talking - baby babble, and he has 'Mama' down really well - rolling over, reaching and grabbing toys, rolling to get toys. And of course some solid foods. I tell ya, I sure miss the breastfed only baby poop! :D He has even started to reach out to me when he wants me to pick him up. Baby's are so much fun!!!

I took some pictures of him today here is one to share with you.

I do have some more, but I am still going through them. Kyle even took some and I'd like to share some of those.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Jaxon is sitting!

Here is some video of Jaxon sitting up on his own. He started to sit, unassisted, two weeks ago now. He sure loves this new found talent! Now he needs to learn how to control his falls! ;o)

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Well, we put away the baby bath tub tonight and gave Jax a bath in the 'big boy' tub.

I filled it up with only a couple of inches of water and set him in. He wasn't sure what to think at first, cause I set him down on his bottom. He looked down and saw the water then looked up and saw the facet ... and S.M.I.L.E.D!!! It was so cute.

I gave him a couple of bath toys, but he was more interested in slapping the water with his hands and splashing the water! I soaped him all up and shampooed his hair. Then used the shower head to rinse him off. I thought he would like that part because he always played with the shower when we used the baby tub, he liked to try to grab the water as it came out. But ... he didn't like it so much! I think he didn't like it running down his face and he couldn't see the water. Once I was done with that, it was back to happy splashing and playing time.

We had so much fun, but at the same time I was a little bit sad at how fast the time has gone.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

52 Week Project 9

Well, this week I took a walk around our property scouting for a nice shot. I wanted something different.

There really wasn't much to choose from, but when I saw these speckits I thought, "Hey, these might be fun." So this is what I got.

ISO 500 ~ 51mm ~ 4.5 ~ 1/500