Saturday, February 12, 2011

On the mends

Finally starting to feel better! What a relief!

I did realize though ... I do a lot more around the house than I thought! With a toddler running around I feel like the house is never clean ... but ... as it should be!

While I was sick we watched a movie called "Motherhood". Not the best movie, but I liked one of the last lines. "As a mom it's important to not loose your self. Because if you aren't yourself, what kind of a mom can you be?"

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sick of being Sick

Okay, so I have been sick since Sunday ... that's only two days ago. However, I have been bed-ridden sick. I am so out of it and achey all over.

I am done being sick, one: I plain ole don't like being sick, and two: I don't like the extra burden I place on the family.

I am feeling slightly better today than yesterday - so I am praying I am on the upswing. I hope Jax will follow soon, as he seems to have caught what I have. :o(