Saturday, September 11, 2010

52 Week Project 36

It was a week of birthday's this week.
Josh was on the 7th, Shelby was on the 8th, and Jaxon was on the 9th.

Technically Jax's picture wasn't from this week - we took it on Saturday last week - but I wanted to put it up. Josh's picture was taken this week on his birthday. My sister in law was kind enough to make him a birthday cake & my mom made some AWESOME spaghetti sauce for a great spaghetti dinner in honor of Josh's birthday. We had a wonderful time!

Thanks everyone who helped make it possible!

ISO 800 ~ 24mm ~ 1/30 ~ 2.8 ~ PP in LR

ISO 200 ~ 34mm ~ 1/60 ~ 4.0 ~ PP in LR


1 comment:

Nett said...

Wish we could have celebrated Josh's bday as well. Jaxon looked like he ENJOYED the chocolate! :)