Saturday, October 2, 2010

52 Week Project 39

Wow, these weeks seem to be going by faster and faster, the closer to the end of the year we get!

I've made two trips to Costco in the last week! So ... that meant it was time to clean out my pantry. Of course with a 1 year old in the home, that means that I will not be doing this alone!!! LOL Jaxon became my little helper. It was actually quite fun!

Here are a couple of pictures of his helping me.

ISO 640 ~ 52mm ~ 1/50 ~ 2.8 ~ PP in LR

ISO 640 ~ 24mm ~ 1/40 ~ 3.2 ~ PP in LR


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Must be a family thing! Jae & Robs liked playing in the pantry, too! I have a pic of Jae in ours :)