Saturday, June 9, 2012

God's Will

I knew I'd be moving out of CA one day. I knew it wasn't going to be easy. I'd be leaving all that I ever knew, family and friends. And I'm a pretty socialable person. Relationships are important to me.

When God showed us it was time to move to Williams AZ I was excited and scared. Excited to be in His will but scared to start all over.

It sure hasn't been an easy move on any of us. However we all know that we are in the middle of His will and He has us where He wants us. We can not see the whole picture but we trust He can.

I am thankful for the seeds He has planted. The lessons we have learned so far have been priceless. I have learned how to be more dependent on God. To trust Him and His planning over my own. Things I don't think I could have learned while comfortably living in CA. Our kids have learned how to be stronger Christians. To stand up for what they believe in and not give up on that.

These 'seeds' will continue to be watered and I'm excited to see what they will grow into. And I know that they are necessities to a firm foundation.

I am so thankful God meets me where I am and accepts me right now. And even as painful as it can be, I am thankful that He loves me so much. So much in fact that He won't leave me where I am. He wants to grow me, challenge me, and draw me closer to Him.

God's will isn't always comfortable or easy but it is always a learning experience!


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